Tuesday, June 9, 2009

rain; the end is near, or something else really weird

We are currently getting a good moderate soaking rain. I am thankful, but its just so strange for June. I keep having this sick feeling that the end is near. Will we have no rainy season now? I don't know. Its a cold rain and i hope it doesn't freeze tonight. One thing is for sure, we will have a huge crop of pinions this fall because the trees are already loaded with the future nuts.

We made flax seed bread today and it is quite good.

This morning our neighbors Dean and Mike showed up in their new junkyard rescued and rewired golf cart. They're planning on mounting solar panels to the top of it so it will charge itself while driving or parked. They let me test drive it and around noon Dean showed up again and let me drive to the mailboxes and we got our mail. It was totally fun, although a bit scarey on the downhill run back home. They said they would keep an eye out for another one for me, then i could drive all around Candy Kitchen! Although they and Shevy all agreed that i should have the cart brightly colored with a big flag of an eyeball with one of those red circles with a line through it, so other cars would know i'm a blind driver. I think im a pretty good driver, considering that i haven't had much practice. Mike says i drive better than Dean does and i have to agree.

The rain is still falling and i am stuck indoors, but its much better than being stuck inside to get away from the no see 'ems. Maybe Shevy will feel like reading some after he slides home from work in a few hours. The roads may be interesting to come in on. woo hoo mud!

1 comment:

  1. I can just see you in a golf cart with a an over-sized grotesque eyeball flag! I think you should mount a weapons rack on it...like a chariot...
